Wednesday, January 25, 2012

First Shot

As I said that, I will mention in my blog about everything which was impressed to me. And, I am going to start with a really good restaurant in Los Angeles, called The Edison. Actually the place has a history as a first private power plant in L.A. Downtown. Now, it was rebuilt and design as a bar and restaurant.

As usual in L.A. if you do not have reservations on Friday nights, you have to wait one hour like I did last week. But believe me, it was worth it. Especially, if you are interested in historical places like me, you will enjoy at The Edison.  A lot of stuffs from the power plant time, it is protected so the design is combined by old and new objects that gives cool atmosphere.There is the link of its website;

Was it cheap? To me, yes !!!  Because, It was almost center of the L.A., pretty good service. Also , drink choices is nice with alcohol and without alcohol drinks. The Edison is a good choice who wants to get bored usual night clubs.

Randomly,  I found another blog about famous photographer from U.K. and  he took pictures from The Edison . Here is the link to take a look. He worked different style on those pictures to give more details. Enjoy it J

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